How to Proceed If You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything

How often have you had these issues with motivation?

Having trouble getting up early to workout. You’re too exhausted to work on your side project after work. Not being “in the mood” to finish the manuscript that has been in draft form for ever. Even worse, your aspirations are put on hold as a result of this “I don’t want to accomplish anything” mentality. And often they remain there until you find the drive to act on them.

However, it often occurs weeks, months, or even years in the future.

Motivation Is Lacking The Best of Us, Even

Motivation Is Lacking The Best of Us, Even
Motivation Is Lacking The Best of Us, Even

Motivation is a tough creature.

On the one hand, you could suddenly decide to start exercising for health and put everything on hold to go for a jog. On the other hand, relying on sudden bursts of inspiration like this… is undoubtedly an unstable strategy for reaching your objectives. What does it leave you with, then?

Motivation Is Insecure Using the Most Common Techniques

Motivation is only a feeling at the end of the day.

It is also erratic, just like other emotions.

It could exist for a day and then vanish suddenly, like a rush of wind.

But if motivation is difficult to manipulate, can you ever count on it?

Does it really eliminate the sense of “I don’t want to do anything”?

Well, here is where most people first misunderstand motivation.

Reading inspirational phrases or looking at uplifting photos online is insufficient. You may, at the very best, feel good after doing these activities.

However, if we’re being honest here, It’s more possible that despite being “motivated” by such motivating techniques, you aren’t working hard.

Therefore, it is simple to draw the conclusion that you shouldn’t employ such methods, at the very least.

5 Creative Ways to Inspire Yourself to Act and Reach Your Goals

5 Creative Ways to Inspire Yourself to Act and Reach Your Goals
5 Creative Ways to Inspire Yourself to Act and Reach Your Goals

What therefore should you “make” when you lack motivation?

You may want to download this free Worksheet For Instant Motivation Boost and gain some inspiration on how to create your own motivation engine before I get into the five original techniques. Get your worksheet for free right here.

Then, you need something new from what you often do or see if you want inspiration that works right away and lasts for a long time.

It’s my responsibility to introduce you to some intriguing fresh ideas that will inspire you to alter the course of the planet.

Here are five fairly unconventional motivational strategies for you to try. It’s a good thing that these approaches deviate from the norm. It implies that for the first time, you will be combining things. And merely being “different” alone serves as inspiration in and of itself.

So, give one a try or all of them a try. In any case, you’ll probably discover that you’re more driven and action-oriented than before.

1. Increase Your Motivation Using “Mystery” MIX

An effective kind of motivation involves spontaneity and the unexpected.

While we can’t quite duplicate this, we can at least get close.

Try outlining at least five distinct prizes you may utilize in exchange for taking breaks or finishing activities. Ideal “reward magnitudes” should span a range, such as:

  • watch a video on YouTube
  • ingest some chocolate
  • Engage in a little guitar jam session.
  • view a Netflix program
  • Circulate the block.
  • Each prize, as you can see, is distinct:

Some provide more immediate enjoyment and are smaller.

Others are more significant and close to you.

Now, when you take a break, you often repeat the same action.

(Most often, it involves putting down the phone.)

But suppose you were limited to choose only one of these prizes each time.

And to make matters worse, you must also choose one at random.

All of a sudden, you are uncertain of what you will get. It may be a little reward. Or even a sizable prize.

And that restores interest in the situation.

And if things start to become interesting again, you’ll probably be driven to work merely to see what kind of arbitrary reward—good or amazing—you’ll receive next.

2. Create a “scary” motivation

Create a "scary" motivation
Create a “scary” motivation

The “negative” end of things may be found on the opposite end of the motivation spectrum.

With this strategy, you put less emphasis on being rewarded and more emphasis on encouraging yourself to avoid something.

Finding appropriate methods to “punish” oneself for not taking action on whatever is important to you is all that is required.

Here are a few basic examples from which you might get inspiration:

  • Your partner may sprinkle you with water till you wake up if you don’t get up early to exercise.
  • You must eat something you detest if you don’t work out after work (for me, this would be a grapefruit since it’s extremely bitter!).

You have to lock all the distracting applications on your phone for 24 hours if you don’t write a page in your book over lunch.
In the end, the penalty must be severe enough to “make you feel it.” Therefore, these penalties will be particular to you.

But if you use a little imagination, you’ll undoubtedly come up with something that spurs you on to action so you can escape your penalty at all costs.

3. Utilize peer pressure

If your family and friends are committed to supporting you in achieving your objectives, this advice will be effective.

All you have to do is urge your friends and family to “peer pressure” you into achieving your objectives whenever it is necessary.

Let’s assume you make the decision to write your book after work. Well, if your first move after arriving home from work is tossing your jacket on the floor, sit down on the couch, and begin changing the channel… The moment to “strike” with your family is now.

Hey, honey, wouldn’t it be wonderful if you completed a page of your manuscript today? I’m certain I’d be content.
I was reading a book earlier, Dad, and I was thinking how awesome it would be if you completed yours.
I’m very proud of you every time I see that you’re writing a book, Mom, and I can’t wait for you to complete it!
In essence, they would simply keep talking until you finished writing or achieving your objective.

The fact that this approach is hands-off is its finest feature:

Everyone else is the one who motivates you. No matter how much I want to do nothing, I’ve discovered that it usually works as well.

4. Set unreasonable standards for yourself

Feeling that your ambitions are too ambitious and difficult is a major motivational obstacle.

Your motivation will most definitely deteriorate if you feel overburdened by any tasks or projects you are working on.

Utilizing the “10% method:” is a straightforward technique to get around this.

Say you’ll only do 10% of the first assignment and you may stop there if you ever have the tiniest resistance to a task.

Therefore, if you want to do 20 pushups as workout, simply do 2.

Just write a paragraph (or simply a phrase) instead of a page if you intend to write one in your book. Or simply say you’ll clean three things in your room if you need to.

It’s an easy approach to use, despite being rather straightforward.

And here’s the greatest part:

You are VERY likely to complete more than simply 10% of the work after your mental resistance to it has been reduced (and your drive to do it has grown).

And the reason for it is that “starting momentum” might help you get through the work.

5. Invest Your Money in It

Losing money is the worst pain there is.

And one easy way to put this concept to work is to link your hard-earned money to the achievement of your objectives.

Getting a friend or family member involved is a simple method to do this. Take hold of one of them and just say,

“This bill is for $20. Observing that I don’t:

  • Get up early tomorrow, write a page in my manuscript, go to the gym after work, etc.
  • The $20 may then be yours to keep.

When someone is assisting you, you’ll see a large grin on their face and wonder if they are really hoping you fail.

In any case, you can anticipate that implementing this strategy will greatly increase your drive to strive for your objectives.

Countdown Timer

The Reality of Motivation

Never forget that motivation isn’t about inspiration or anything else so flimsy. The ultimate objective is to inspire action toward accomplishing your objectives. And I’m sure that if you use some of the techniques I’ve provided here, you’ll be well on your way to increasing your motivation, taking more initiative, and permanently changing your life.

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